
5 min read

Cologne Safety: Am I Safe to Travel to Cologne, Germany in 2024?

Planning a trip to Cologne raises safety questions. With its iconic cathedral and rich culture attracting millions, how safe is the city for tourists?

Tobi Miles
March 31, 2024
Cologne Safety: Am I Safe to Travel to Cologne, Germany in 2024?

You'll be pleased to know that Cologne is generally considered a safe city for tourists and residents alike. Like any major city, it has its share of petty crimes, but with a few precautions, you can enjoy all that Cologne has to offer without worry. Let's dive into what makes Cologne a secure destination and how you can stay safe during your visit.

Key Takeaways

  • Cologne is generally a safe city for tourists and residents, with a vibrant culture and attractions, though precautions should be taken against petty theft and in certain areas at night.
  • Crime rates in Cologne show petty theft and drug-related crimes at medium levels, while violent crimes are low, suggesting a relatively safe environment with areas for caution.
  • Keeping valuables secure, being mindful of surroundings, especially in crowded areas and on public transport, and following official transport guidelines are key to avoiding petty theft.
  • It's advisable to avoid isolated or poorly lit areas at night and to stick to well-lit, populated paths for added security.
  • Emergency numbers for Cologne include 112 for ambulance/fire services and 110 for police assistance, essential for immediate help in urgent situations.
  • Being informed and taking practical safety precautions can significantly enhance your security and overall experience while visiting Cologne.

Safety in Cologne: A Closer Look

When you're planning a trip to Cologne, understanding the level of safety in the city can help you navigate your visit more confidently. Cologne, Germany's fourth-largest city, is bustling with cultural festivals, dynamic nightlife, and esteemed educational institutions, making it a magnet for tourists and students alike. Yet, like any urban setting, knowing the safety landscape is crucial.

First off, let's dive into the crime rates. According to recent data,

Crime Type


Germany Average

Petty Theft



Violent Crimes



Drug-related Crimes



Safety walking alone during daylight



Safety walking alone during night



These statistics showcase that while petty theft and drug-related crimes are present, they're not significantly higher than other parts of Germany. Furthermore, violent crimes remain low, which is reassuring for anyone worried about personal safety.

To navigate Cologne safely, it's wise to adopt some precautions. Avoiding poorly lit areas at night and keeping a close watch on personal belongings, especially in crowded places like the Cologne Cathedral or during events like Carnival, can mitigate most risks. It's also beneficial to stay informed about the areas you plan to visit. Certain neighborhoods, while rich in culture and nightlife, may require extra vigilance after dark.

Public transportation in Cologne is considered safe, yet it's prudent to remain alert and aware of your surroundings, especially during late hours. The city's extensive network of buses, trams, and trains makes getting around convenient, but also attracts pickpockets targeting distracted tourists.

Understanding the safety dynamics of Cologne adds an extra layer of confidence to your travel plans. Armed with knowledge and common-sense precautions, you're set to explore what this vibrant city has to offer.

Crime Rates in Cologne

When considering the safety of Cologne, it's crucial to look at the cold, hard facts. The city's crime rates provide a clear window into what residents and visitors can expect. Based on the latest reports, Cologne's overall crime rates are relatively moderate when compared with other major cities, both in Germany and internationally.

Petty Theft and Pickpocketing

One of the more common concerns in Cologne is petty theft, including pickpocketing. Crowded areas such as tourist spots, public transport, and large events are the typical hotspots for such activities. Stay vigilant in these areas and keep your belongings secure.

Violent Crime

Here's a relief: violent crime rates in Cologne are on the lower spectrum, especially when you compare them to other cities of a similar size. You're much less likely to encounter violence, but it's always wise to be aware of your surroundings.

Drug-Related Crimes

Drug-related offenses do occur but are generally contained within certain areas. Avoiding these places significantly reduces your risk of witnessing or becoming involved in drug-related crimes.

Safety by the Numbers

Let's break down the numbers for a clearer picture:

Crime Type

Incidents (Per 100,000 Inhabitants)

Petty Theft


Violent Crime


Drug-Related Crimes


Although numbers can seem stark, remember, they're here to guide and inform your decisions. Armed with this knowledge, you’re better prepared to navigate Cologne safely. Keeping smart practices in mind, like avoiding poorly lit areas at night and being cautious in crowded spaces, goes a long way in ensuring a safe and pleasant visit.

Safety Tips for Tourists

When visiting Cologne, staying informed and cautious can significantly enhance your safety. Petty theft and pickpocketing, while common in crowded areas, can be effectively minimized with a few smart practices.

Firstly, always be mindful of your belongings. Tourist spots, public transport, and large events are prime locations for pickpockets. A secure, cross-body bag or a money belt can deter thieves. Additionally, it's advisable to leave valuable items in your hotel safe and only carry what you need for the day.

Secondly, stay aware of your surroundings. Avoid using your phone or other devices in a way that distracts you from what's happening around you. This not only makes you less likely to be pickpocketed but also helps you avoid potential scams or unwanted situations.

Public transportation in Cologne is reliable and extensively covers the city, but it's also a hotspot for petty theft. Always check the official KVB (Cologne Transport Authority) website for the latest safety updates and travel advisories. When using public transport late at night, try to stay in well-lit, busier parts of the station and always be wary of overly friendly strangers.

Lastly, while Cologne boasts a low violent crime rate, it's wise to avoid certain less-frequented areas at night, especially if you're unfamiliar with the city. Stick to well-lit, populated paths and, if possible, travel in groups. If you ever find yourself feeling unsafe, don't hesitate to contact the local police by dialing 110.

Safety Tip


Secure Belongings

Use cross-body bags or money belts to protect valuables.

Mindful Awareness

Stay alert to your surroundings to avoid distractions.

Official Transport Guidelines

Follow KVB advisories for safe public transport use.

Avoid Nighttime Isolation

Stick to well-lit and populated areas during late hours.

Remember, your safety in Cologne can be greatly enhanced by following these tips and staying informed about the city's current safety and security updates.

Emergency Contacts in Cologne

When you're exploring Cologne, knowing the emergency contacts can be as crucial as knowing the top attractions. Should you find yourself in an urgent situation, it's essential that you know who to call. Let's dive into the key emergency contacts that should be on your speed dial.

First and foremost, 112 is the universal emergency number across Germany. This single number connects you to both ambulance services and the fire department. It's crucial to state your location, the nature of your emergency, and if possible, the specific type of assistance you need.

For police assistance, dial 110. This number should be used to report crimes, suspicious activities, or if you feel you're in any danger. The police in Cologne are well-equipped to handle a range of situations and can also provide support in cases of theft or loss.

Here is a quick reference table for you:


Contact Number





Tourist Support

+49 221 346 43 0

In addition to these emergency numbers, Cologne offers a tourist support line at +49 221 346 43 0. This service can provide you with valuable information, including advice on local medical facilities, consulate details, and tips for dealing with emergency situations. While we hope your visit is nothing but pleasant, being prepared with these essential contacts can help ensure your safety during unexpected moments. Remember, it's better to have this information and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Armed with the right emergency contacts and a keen awareness of your surroundings, you're set to enjoy all that Cologne has to offer. Remember, safety starts with being prepared, so keep those essential numbers handy and don't hesitate to use them if needed. Cologne's charm and rich history await, and now you're more than ready to explore them with confidence and peace of mind. Stay safe and make the most of your journey in this beautiful city.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the universal emergency number in Cologne, Germany?

The universal emergency number in Cologne, Germany, for ambulance and fire services is 112. It can be dialed free of charge from any phone.

How can I report a crime or dangerous situation in Cologne?

To report a crime or a dangerous situation in Cologne, you should dial the police emergency number, which is 110. This service is available 24/7.

Is there a support line for tourists in Cologne for assistance and information?

Yes, there is a support line for tourists in Cologne. You can call +49 221 346 43 0 for assistance and information during your visit.

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 31, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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