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72 Basic Spanish Phrases for Your Next Trip to Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶

Learn 72 basic Spanish phrases to enhance your trip to Equatorial Guinea. Perfect for travelers seeking a smooth experience in this unique destination.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
72 Basic Spanish Phrases for Your Next Trip to Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶

¡Hola, amigos! 👋 Welcome to the ultimate guide for your next adventure to Equatorial Guinea, where Spanish is the official language, but with a unique twist! 🌍 Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and friendly locals. But wait! Before you pack your bags, let's equip you with some essential Spanish phrases that will make your trip un éxito total (a total success)! 💪

Greetings and Essentials 🙌

  1. ¡Hola! (OH-lah) - Hello!
  2. Buenos días (BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs) - Good morning
  3. Buenas tardes (BWEH-nahs TAHR-dehs) - Good afternoon
  4. Buenas noches (BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs) - Good evening/night
  5. ¿Cómo estás? (KOH-moh ehs-TAHS?) - How are you?
  6. Estoy bien, gracias. (ehs-TOY bee-EHN, GRAH-see-ahs) - I'm fine, thank you.
  7. ¿Y tú? (ee TOO?) - And you?
  8. Por favor (pohr fah-VOHR) - Please
  9. Gracias (GRAH-see-ahs) - Thank you
  10. De nada (deh NAH-dah) - You're welcome
  11. Sí (see) - Yes
  12. No (noh) - No
  13. Disculpe (dees-KOOL-peh) - Excuse me
  14. Lo siento (loh see-EHN-toh) - I'm sorry
  15. No entiendo (noh ehn-tee-EHN-doh) - I don't understand
  16. ¿Habla inglés? (AH-blah een-GLEHS?) - Do you speak English?
  17. No hablo español (noh AH-bloh ehs-pah-NYOHL) - I don't speak Spanish

Getting Around 🚕

Navigating Equatorial Guinea is an adventure in itself! Here are some phrases to help you get from point A to point B:

  1. ¿Dónde está...? (DOHN-deh ehs-TAH...?) - Where is...?
  2. el aeropuerto (ehl ah-eh-roh-PWEHR-toh) - the airport
  3. el hotel (ehl oh-TEHL) - the hotel
  4. el restaurante (ehl rehs-tah-RAHN-teh) - the restaurant
  5. el banco (ehl BAHN-koh) - the bank
  6. el mercado (ehl mehr-KAH-doh) - the market
  7. el hospital (ehl ohs-pee-TAHL) - the hospital
  8. ¿Cuánto cuesta un taxi? (KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah oon tahk-SEE?) - How much is a taxi?
  9. Lléveme a... (YEH-veh-meh ah...) - Take me to...
  10. Pare aquí, por favor (PAH-reh ah-KEE, pohr fah-VOHR) - Stop here, please
  11. ¿A qué hora sale el autobús? (ah KEH OH-rah SAH-leh ehl ow-toh-BOOS?) - What time does the bus leave?

Dining and Food 🍽️

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with Equatorial Guinea's delicious cuisine! Here are some must-try dishes and phrases to help you order like a pro:

  1. Quiero... (kee-EHR-oh...) - I want...
  2. el pepesup (ehl peh-peh-SOOP) - spicy fish soup
  3. el chocolate (ehl choh-koh-LAH-teh) - chocolate (a local specialty!)
  4. el pollo (ehl POH-yoh) - chicken
  5. la carne (lah KAHR-neh) - meat
  6. el arroz (ehl ah-ROHS) - rice
  7. las verduras (lahs vehr-DOO-rahs) - vegetables
  8. el pescado (ehl pehs-KAH-doh) - fish
  9. ¿Me recomienda algo? (meh reh-koh-mee-EHN-dah AHL-goh?) - Can you recommend something?
  10. ¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa? (kwahl ehs lah ehs-peh-see-ah-lee-DAHD deh lah KAH-sah?) - What's the house specialty?
  11. La cuenta, por favor (lah KWEHN-tah, pohr fah-VOHR) - The bill, please
  12. ¡Estaba delicioso! (ehs-TAH-bah deh-lee-see-OH-soh!) - It was delicious!

Shopping and Bargaining 💸

Get ready to put your bargaining skills to the test at Equatorial Guinea's vibrant markets! Here are some phrases to help you snag the best deals:

  1. ¿Cuánto cuesta? (KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah?) - How much does it cost?
  2. ¿Puede bajar el precio? (PWEH-deh bah-HAHR ehl PREH-see-oh?) - Can you lower the price?
  3. Es demasiado caro (ehs deh-mah-see-AH-doh KAH-roh) - It's too expensive
  4. ¿Cuál es su mejor precio? (kwahl ehs soo meh-HOHR PREH-see-oh?) - What's your best price?
  5. Me lo llevo (meh loh YEH-voh) - I'll take it
  6. ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? (ahk-SEHP-tahn tahr-HEH-tahs deh KREH-dee-toh?) - Do you accept credit cards?
  7. ¿Dónde puedo comprar...? (DOHN-deh PWEH-doh kohm-PRAHR...?) - Where can I buy...?

Culture and Customs 🎭

Equatorial Guinea is a melting pot of cultures, with a fascinating blend of African and Spanish influences. Here are some tips to help you navigate the local customs and traditions:

  1. Always greet people with a friendly "¡Hola!" or "Buenos días/tardes/noches" depending on the time of day.
  2. Handshakes are common, but close friends and family may greet each other with a kiss on each cheek.
  3. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or attending formal events.
  4. Be respectful of local traditions and beliefs, even if they differ from your own.
  5. It's customary to bring a small gift when visiting someone's home, such as chocolates or flowers.
  6. Don't be offended by direct questions about your personal life – it's just a way of showing interest!

Slang and Local Expressions 😎

Equatorial Guineans love to use colorful expressions and slang in their daily conversations. Here are a few to help you sound like a local:

  1. ¿Qué tal? (keh TAHL?) - What's up?
  2. ¡Qué chévere! (keh CHEH-veh-reh!) - How cool!
  3. ¡Qué pena! (keh PEH-nah!) - What a shame!
  4. Estoy hecho polvo (ehs-TOY EH-choh POHL-voh) - I'm exhausted (literally "I'm made of dust")
  5. ¡Qué va! (keh VAH!) - No way!
  6. Es pan comido (ehs pahn koh-MEE-doh) - It's a piece of cake (literally "it's eaten bread")
  7. Me importa un pepino (meh eem-POHR-tah oon peh-PEE-noh) - I couldn't care less (literally "a cucumber matters to me")

Flirting and Dating 💕

Equatorial Guineans are known for their warm and friendly nature, so don't be surprised if you receive some flirtatious attention during your visit! Here are some phrases to help you navigate the dating scene:

  1. ¿Puedo invitarte a una copa? (PWEH-doh een-vee-TAHR-teh ah OO-nah KOH-pah?) - Can I buy you a drink?
  2. Eres muy guapo/a (EH-rehs mwee GWAH-poh/ah) - You're very handsome/beautiful
  3. ¿Quieres bailar conmigo? (kee-EH-rehs bai-LAHR kohn-MEE-goh?) - Do you want to dance with me?
  4. ¿Te gustaría tomar un café? (teh goos-tah-REE-ah toh-MAHR oon kah-FEH?) - Would you like to have a coffee?
  5. Fue un placer conocerte (fweh oon plah-SEHR koh-noh-SEHR-teh) - It was a pleasure to meet you

Insults and Things to Avoid 😬

While Equatorial Guineans are generally friendly and good-humored, there are a few things you should avoid saying to stay on their good side:

  1. Eres un mono/a (EH-rehs oon MOH-noh/ah) - You're a monkey (highly offensive)
  2. Vete a la mierda (VEH-teh ah lah mee-EHR-dah) - Go to hell
  3. Eres un/a idiota (EH-rehs oon/ah ee-dee-OH-tah) - You're an idiot
  4. No me jodas (noh meh HOH-dahs) - Don't fuck with me
  5. Cierra la boca (see-EHR-rah lah BOH-kah) - Shut your mouth


Q: Do I need to know Spanish to visit Equatorial Guinea?A: While knowing some basic Spanish phrases will certainly make your trip easier and more enjoyable, many Equatorial Guineans also speak English, especially in tourist areas. However, learning a few key phrases will go a long way in showing respect for the local culture and language.

Q: What are some must-see attractions in Equatorial Guinea?A: Equatorial Guinea is home to stunning natural beauty, vibrant cities, and fascinating cultural sites. Some top attractions include:

  • Bioko Island: Home to the capital city of Malabo and stunning beaches
  • Monte Alen National Park: A lush rainforest with diverse wildlife
  • Bata: The largest city on the mainland, known for its lively markets and nightlife

Q: Is it safe to travel to Equatorial Guinea?A: While Equatorial Guinea is generally safe for tourists, it's always a good idea to exercise caution and stay aware of your surroundings. Petty crime can be a problem in larger cities, so keep an eye on your belongings and avoid walking alone at night. It's also a good idea to check with your government's travel advisory before your trip.

¡Buen viaje! (bwehn vee-AH-heh) - Have a good trip! 🌴

With these 72 essential Spanish phrases and cultural insights, you're now ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure to Equatorial Guinea. Remember to be respectful, keep an open mind, and most importantly - have fun! ¡Hasta pronto! 👋

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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