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65 Basic Italian Phrases for Your Next Trip to Vatican City 🇻🇦

Learn essential Italian phrases for Vatican City with our guide. Perfect for travelers looking to enhance their Vatican trip experience.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
65 Basic Italian Phrases for Your Next Trip to Vatican City 🇻🇦

Buongiorno! 🌞 Are you ready to embark on a spiritual and linguistic adventure in the heart of Catholicism? Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, is not only home to the Pope and stunning architecture but also a place where the Italian language reigns supreme. 🙏 While Italian is spoken in many countries, the Vatican's Italian has a unique flavor, infused with religious terminology and a touch of ancient Latin. 🎓 So, let's dive into this divine collection of 65 Italian phrases that will make your visit to Vatican City an unforgettable experience! 🚀

Greetings and Basic Phrases 🤝

  1. Ciao! (CHOW) - Hello/Goodbye
  2. Buongiorno! (bwohn-JOR-noh) - Good morning!
  3. Buonasera! (bwoh-nah-SEH-rah) - Good evening!
  4. Buonanotte! (bwoh-nah-NOHT-teh) - Good night!
  5. Arrivederci! (ahr-ree-veh-DEHR-chee) - Goodbye!
  6. Per favore (pehr fah-VOH-reh) - Please
  7. Grazie (GRAH-tsee-eh) - Thank you
  8. Prego (PREH-goh) - You're welcome
  9. Scusi (SKOO-zee) - Excuse me
  10. Non capisco (non kah-PEE-skoh) - I don't understand
  11. Parla inglese? (PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh) - Do you speak English?
  12. Non parlo italiano (non PAHR-loh ee-tah-LYAH-noh) - I don't speak Italian

Visiting the Vatican 🕍

When exploring the Vatican, you'll want to know some key phrases to navigate this sacred place:

  1. Dov'è la Basilica di San Pietro? (doh-VEH lah bah-ZEE-lee-kah dee sahn PYEH-troh) - Where is St. Peter's Basilica?
  2. Dov'è la Cappella Sistina? (doh-VEH lah kahp-PEHL-lah see-STEE-nah) - Where is the Sistine Chapel?
  3. A che ora apre/chiude? (ah keh OH-rah AH-preh/KYOO-deh) - What time does it open/close?
  4. Quanto costa il biglietto? (KWAHN-toh KOH-stah eel bee-LYEHT-toh) - How much is the ticket?
  5. C'è una guida in inglese? (cheh OO-nah GWEE-dah een een-GLEH-zeh) - Is there an English guide?
  6. Posso scattare foto? (POHS-soh skaht-TAH-reh FOH-toh) - Can I take pictures?

Attending Mass 🙏

If you plan to attend Mass in Vatican City, familiarize yourself with these phrases:

  1. A che ora è la Messa? (ah keh OH-rah eh lah MEHS-sah) - What time is the Mass?
  2. Dov'è la Messa in inglese? (doh-VEH lah MEHS-sah een een-GLEH-zeh) - Where is the English Mass?
  3. Vorrei confessarmi (vohr-REY kohn-fehs-SAHR-mee) - I would like to go to confession
  4. Pace a voi (PAH-cheh ah VOH-ee) - Peace be with you
  5. E con il tuo spirito (eh kohn eel TOO-oh SPEE-ree-toh) - And with your spirit
  6. Amen (ah-MEHN) - Amen

Shopping and Souvenirs 🛍️

Don't forget to grab some holy souvenirs! Here's what you might need:

  1. Quanto costa? (KWAHN-toh KOH-stah) - How much does it cost?
  2. Accettate carte di credito? (aht-cheht-TAH-teh KAHR-teh dee KREH-dee-toh) - Do you accept credit cards?
  3. Vorrei comprare un rosario (vohr-REY kohm-PRAH-reh oon roh-ZAH-ryoh) - I'd like to buy a rosary
  4. Mi piace questo crocifisso (mee PYAH-cheh KWEHS-toh kroh-chee-FEES-soh) - I like this crucifix
  5. Avete cartoline del Papa? (ah-VEH-teh kahr-toh-LEE-neh dehl PAH-pah) - Do you have postcards of the Pope?

Dining in Vatican City 🍝

When hunger strikes, use these phrases to satisfy your cravings:

  1. Vorrei ordinare... (vohr-REY ohr-dee-NAH-reh) - I would like to order...
  2. Mi consiglia un piatto tipico? (mee kohn-SEE-lyah oon PYAHT-toh TEE-pee-koh) - Can you recommend a typical dish?
  3. Sono vegetariano/a (SOH-noh veh-jeh-tah-RYAH-noh/ah) - I am a vegetarian
  4. Acqua naturale/frizzante (AH-kwah nah-too-RAH-leh/freet-TSAHN-teh) - Still/sparkling water
  5. Il conto, per favore (eel KOHN-toh pehr fah-VOH-reh) - The bill, please
  6. Posso avere un caffè? (POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oon kahf-FEH) - Can I have a coffee?

Vatican Culture and Customs 🇻🇦

  1. Il Papa (eel PAH-pah) - The Pope
  2. La Santa Sede (lah SAHN-tah SEH-deh) - The Holy See
  3. Cardinale (kahr-dee-NAH-leh) - Cardinal
  4. Suora (SWOH-rah) - Nun
  5. Prete (PREH-teh) - Priest
  6. Conclave (KOHN-klah-veh) - Conclave
  7. L'Angelus (lahn-JEH-loos) - The Angelus prayer
  8. Urbi et Orbi (OOR-bee eht OHR-bee) - To the City and the World (Papal blessing)

Vatican Slang and Colloquialisms 😎

  1. Che figata! (keh fee-GAH-tah) - That's cool/awesome!
  2. Che casino! (keh kah-SEE-noh) - What a mess!
  3. Mamma mia! (MAHM-mah MEE-ah) - Oh my gosh!
  4. Che palle! (keh PAHL-leh) - What a pain!
  5. Auguri! (ow-GOO-ree) - Best wishes!
  6. In bocca al lupo! (een BOHK-kah ahl LOO-poh) - Break a leg! (Good luck)

Italian Flirting Phrases 😘

  1. Sei bellissimo/a (say behl-LEES-see-moh/ah) - You are very handsome/beautiful
  2. Hai degli occhi stupendi (AHY deh-lyee OHK-kyee stoo-PEHN-dee) - You have gorgeous eyes
  3. Mi fai impazzire (mee figh eem-paht-TSEE-reh) - You drive me crazy
  4. Ti va di prendere un caffè insieme? (tee vah dee PREHN-deh-reh oon kahf-FEH een-SYEH-meh) - Would you like to grab a coffee together?

Things to Avoid Saying 🙊

  1. Non me ne frega niente (nohn meh neh FREH-gah NYEHN-teh) - I don't give a damn
  2. Vaffanculo! (vahf-fahn-KOO-loh) - F*ck off!
  3. Che palle il Papa! (keh PAHL-leh eel PAH-pah) - The Pope is such a pain!
  4. Sei un coglione (say oon koh-lyoh-NEH) - You're an a**hole


Q: Do I need to know Italian to visit Vatican City?A: While knowing some Italian is helpful, many Vatican staff members speak English, and there are English tours available.

Q: Is there a dress code for visiting the Vatican?A: Yes, modest clothing that covers your shoulders and knees is required. Avoid shorts, tank tops, and revealing outfits.

Q: Can I attend a Papal Audience?A: Yes, but you need to request tickets in advance through the Vatican's website or your local church.

Q: Are there any Italian phrases I should absolutely avoid in the Vatican?A: Avoid using profanity or making disrespectful comments about the Pope or the Catholic Church.

Now you're ready to embark on your Vatican adventure armed with these 65 essential Italian phrases! Remember to be respectful, embrace the culture, and have a divine time! 🙏✨ Arrivederci e buon viaggio! 🇻🇦

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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