
5 min read

75 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Niger 🇳🇪

Learn 75 essential French phrases for your trip to Niger, from greetings and dining to shopping and flirting. Navigate the local culture with confidence and make unforgettable connections in this enchanting West African nation.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
75 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Niger 🇳🇪

Bonjour, mes amis! 🙋‍♂️ Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure in Niger? This enchanting West African nation may be known for its vast deserts and vibrant culture, but did you know that French is also the official language? 🇫🇷 That's right! While Hausa and Zarma are widely spoken, brushing up on your French skills will make your journey through Niger smoother than the Sahara's sand dunes. 😉

In this ultimate guide, we'll dive into 75 essential French phrases that will help you navigate Niger's customs, traditions, and everyday life. From greeting locals to ordering mouth-watering dishes and even flirting with that special someone, we've got you covered! 😍 So, pack your bags, grab your phrasebook, and let's embark on this linguistic journey together! 🎒

Greetings and Basics 👋

  1. Bonjour! (boh-zhoor) - Hello!
  2. Salut! (sah-loo) - Hi!
  3. Au revoir! (oh reh-vwahr) - Goodbye!
  4. S'il vous plaît (seel voo pleh) - Please
  5. Merci (mehr-see) - Thank you
  6. De rien (duh ree-ehn) - You're welcome
  7. Excusez-moi (ehk-skew-zay mwah) - Excuse me
  8. Pardon (pahr-dohn) - Pardon me
  9. Oui (wee) - Yes
  10. Non (nohn) - No
  11. Je ne comprends pas (zhuh nuh kohm-prahn pah) - I don't understand
  12. Parlez-vous anglais? (pahr-lay voo ahn-gleh) - Do you speak English?
  13. Je ne parle pas français (zhuh nuh pahrl pah frahn-seh) - I don't speak French
  14. Comment allez-vous? (koh-mahn tah-lay voo) - How are you?
  15. Je m'appelle... (zhuh mah-pehl) - My name is...

Getting Around 🚕

Navigating a new country can be daunting, but with these French phrases, you'll be exploring Niger like a pro!

  1. Où est...? (oo eh) - Where is...?
  2. La gare (lah gahr) - The train station
  3. L'aéroport (lah-eh-roh-pohr) - The airport
  4. L'hôtel (loh-tehl) - The hotel
  5. Le marché (luh mahr-sheh) - The market
  6. Le restaurant (luh rehs-toh-rahn) - The restaurant
  7. La banque (lah bahnk) - The bank
  8. La poste (lah pohst) - The post office
  9. L'hôpital (loh-pee-tahl) - The hospital
  10. La pharmacie (lah fahr-mah-see) - The pharmacy
  11. Taxi! (tahk-see) - Taxi!
  12. Arrêtez ici, s'il vous plaît (ah-reh-tay ee-see seel voo pleh) - Stop here, please
  13. Combien coûte...? (kohm-byehn koot) - How much does ... cost?
  14. Je cherche... (zhuh shehrsh) - I'm looking for...
  15. Où se trouve...? (oo suh troov) - Where is...located?

Dining and Cuisine 🍽️

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with Niger's delectable dishes! Here's how to order like a local:

  1. Combien? (kohm-byehn) - How much?
  2. Je voudrais... (zhuh voo-dreh) - I would like...
  3. Le petit déjeuner (luh ptee deh-zhuh-neh) - Breakfast
  4. Le déjeuner (luh deh-zhuh-neh) - Lunch
  5. Le dîner (luh dee-neh) - Dinner
  6. Une table pour deux, s'il vous plaît (ewn tahbl poor duh, seel voo pleh) - A table for two, please
  7. L'addition, s'il vous plaît (lah-dee-syohn, seel voo pleh) - The bill, please
  8. Le menu (luh meh-new) - The menu
  9. Je suis végétarien(ne) (zhuh swee veh-zheh-tahr-yehn) - I am vegetarian
  10. Je suis allergique à... (zhuh swee ah-lehr-zheek ah) - I'm allergic to...
  11. C'est délicieux! (seh deh-lee-syuh) - It's delicious!
  12. Un verre d'eau, s'il vous plaît (uhn vehr doh, seel voo pleh) - A glass of water, please
  13. Du thé (dew teh) - Tea
  14. Du café (dew kah-feh) - Coffee
  15. De la bière (duh lah byehr) - Beer

Some must-try Nigerien dishes:

  • Djerma-style Jollof rice 🍚
  • Kilishi (spicy dried meat) 🥩
  • Brochettes (grilled meat skewers) 🍢

Shopping and Bargaining 💰

Haggling is a way of life in Niger's markets. Master these phrases to score the best deals:

  1. C'est combien? (seh kohm-byehn) - How much is it?
  2. C'est trop cher (seh troh shehr) - It's too expensive
  3. Pouvez-vous baisser le prix? (poo-vay voo beh-say luh pree) - Can you lower the price?
  4. Je vous donne... (zhuh voo dohn) - I'll give you...
  5. Marché conclu! (mahr-sheh kohn-klew) - Deal!

Culture, Customs, and Sensitivities 🙏

Respecting local customs and traditions is key to a memorable trip. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites
  • Remove your shoes before entering someone's home
  • Use your right hand for eating and handling money
  • Ask for permission before taking photos of people
  1. Je suis désolé(e) (zhuh swee deh-zoh-leh) - I'm sorry
  2. Je ne savais pas (zhuh nuh sah-veh pah) - I didn't know
  3. Pouvez-vous m'aider? (poo-vay voo meh-day) - Can you help me?
  4. Avec plaisir! (ah-vehk pleh-zeer) - With pleasure!
  5. Je ne comprends pas la coutume (zhuh nuh kohm-prahn pah lah koo-tewm) - I don't understand the custom

Slang and Local Expressions 😎

Impress the locals with these cool slang phrases:

  1. Ça bouge? (sah boozh) - What's up?
  2. Ça roule! (sah rool) - It's all good!
  3. Un caïman (uhn kah-ee-mahn) - 1000 CFA francs (local currency)
  4. C'est chaud (seh shoh) - It's cool/awesome
  5. Laisse-moi tranquille (less-mwah trahn-keel) - Leave me alone

Flirting and Romance 😘

Fallen for a charming Nigerien? Here's how to express your feelings:

  1. Tu es très beau/belle (tew eh treh boh/behl) - You're very handsome/beautiful
  2. Je t'aime (zhuh tem) - I love you
  3. Veux-tu sortir avec moi? (vuh-tew sohr-teer ah-vehk mwah) - Do you want to go out with me?
  4. On peut se revoir? (ohn puh suh ruh-vwahr) - Can we see each other again?
  5. Mon cœur (mohn kuhr) - My heart

Insults and Things to Avoid Saying 🙊

Steer clear of these offensive phrases:

  1. Tu es fou/folle! (tew eh foo/fohl) - You're crazy!
  2. Tais-toi! (teh-twah) - Shut up!
  3. Dégage! (deh-gahzh) - Get lost!
  4. T'es nul(le) (teh newl) - You suck
  5. Tu m'énerves! (tew meh-nehrv) - You're annoying me!


  1. Quand est-ce qu'on mange? (kahn ehs-kohn mahnzh) - When do we eat?
  2. Où sont les toilettes? (oo sohn leh twah-leht) - Where is the bathroom?
  3. Combien de temps faut-il pour...? (kohm-byehn duh tahn foh-teel poor) - How long does it take to...?
  4. Quel est le mot pour...? (kehl eh luh moh poor) - What is the word for...?
  5. À quelle heure...? (ah kehl uhr) - At what time...?

Voilà! You're now equipped with 75 essential French phrases to embark on your Nigerien adventure! Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to put your new language skills to the test. The locals will appreciate your effort, and you might just make some lifelong friends along the way. 🤗

So, what are you waiting for? Book that ticket, pack your bags, and get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of Niger. Bon voyage! 🌍✈️

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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