
5 min read

67 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Luxembourg 🇱🇺

Learn essential French phrases for Luxembourg travel! This guide covers greetings, navigation, dining, shopping, and cultural tips for travelers.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
67 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Luxembourg 🇱🇺

Moien! 👋 That's how you say "hello" in Luxembourgish, the unique language spoken in the charming country of Luxembourg. While French is also an official language in Luxembourg, the locals have their own distinct flavor of French that's sure to keep you on your toes. 😉 But don't worry, we've got you covered with this ultimate guide to mastering French phrases for your Luxembourgish adventure! 🎒

Greetings and Basic Phrases 🙌

  1. Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) - Hello
  2. Au revoir (oh ruh-vwahr) - Goodbye
  3. Merci (mehr-see) - Thank you
  4. S'il vous plaît (seel voo pleh) - Please
  5. Oui (wee) - Yes
  6. Non (nohn) - No
  7. Excusez-moi (ehk-skew-zay mwah) - Excuse me
  8. Parlez-vous anglais? (par-lay voo ahn-glay) - Do you speak English?
  9. Je ne comprends pas (zhuh nuh kohm-prahn pah) - I don't understand
  10. Comment allez-vous? (koh-mahn tah-lay voo) - How are you?
  11. Je m'appelle... (zhuh mah-pehl) - My name is...
  12. Enchanté(e) (ahn-shahn-tay) - Nice to meet you

Getting Around 🚶‍♀️🚗

Getting around Luxembourg can be a breeze if you know the right phrases. Here are some essential ones to help you navigate like a pro:

  1. Où est...? (oo eh) - Where is...?
  2. La gare (lah gahr) - The train station
  3. L'aéroport (lah-eh-roh-pohr) - The airport
  4. Le centre-ville (luh sahn-truh veel) - The city center
  5. Le bus (luh bews) - The bus
  6. Le taxi (luh tahk-see) - The taxi
  7. La rue (lah rew) - The street
  8. Tournez à gauche (toor-nay ah gohsh) - Turn left
  9. Tournez à droite (toor-nay ah drwaht) - Turn right
  10. Tout droit (too drwah) - Straight ahead
  11. Arrêtez ici (ah-reh-tay ee-see) - Stop here

At the Restaurant 🍴

Dining out in Luxembourg is a treat, with a mix of French, German, and local influences. Impress your waiter with these handy phrases:

  1. La carte, s'il vous plaît (lah kahrt seel voo pleh) - The menu, please
  2. Je voudrais... (zhuh voo-dreh) - I would like...
  3. Le petit-déjeuner (luh puh-tee day-zhuh-nay) - Breakfast
  4. Le déjeuner (luh day-zhuh-nay) - Lunch
  5. Le dîner (luh dee-nay) - Dinner
  6. Un verre de vin (uhn vehr duh vahn) - A glass of wine
  7. L'addition, s'il vous plaît (lah-dee-syohn seel voo pleh) - The bill, please
  8. C'était délicieux (seh-teh day-lee-syuh) - It was delicious
  9. Je suis végétarien(ne) (zhuh swee vay-zhay-tah-ryahn/ryehn) - I'm vegetarian
  10. Je suis allergique à... (zhuh swee ah-lehr-zheek ah) - I'm allergic to...
  11. Judd mat Gaardebounen (yood maht gahr-duh-boo-nuhn) - A local dish of smoked pork collar with broad beans (try pronouncing that! 😅)

Shopping and Money 💰

No trip to Luxembourg is complete without a little shopping! Here's how to snag those souvenirs:

  1. Combien ça coûte? (kohm-byahn sah koot) - How much does this cost?
  2. C'est trop cher (seh troh shehr) - That's too expensive
  3. Je cherche... (zhuh shehrsh) - I'm looking for...
  4. Une taille plus grande/petite (ewn tah-yuh plew grahnd/puh-teet) - A larger/smaller size
  5. Je peux payer par carte? (zhuh puh peh-yay pahr kahrt) - Can I pay by card?
  6. Je voudrais acheter... (zhuh voo-dreh ah-shuh-tay) - I'd like to buy...
  7. Un reçu, s'il vous plaît (uhn ruh-sew seel voo pleh) - A receipt, please
  8. Puis-je essayer ceci? (pwee zhuh eh-seh-yay suh-see) - Can I try this on?

Asking for Help 🆘

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it! The locals are friendly and always willing to lend a hand:

  1. J'ai besoin d'aide (zheh buh-zwahn dehd) - I need help
  2. Pouvez-vous m'aider? (poo-vay voo meh-day) - Can you help me?
  3. Je suis perdu(e) (zhuh swee pehr-dew) - I'm lost
  4. Où sont les toilettes? (oo sohn lay twah-leht) - Where are the restrooms?
  5. Appelez un médecin/la police (ah-puh-lay uhn meh-duh-sahn/lah poh-lees) - Call a doctor/the police
  6. C'est une urgence! (seh ewn oor-zhahns) - It's an emergency!

Luxembourgish Slang and Phrases 😎

Now, let's dive into some Luxembourgish slang to really impress the locals:

  1. Äddi (eh-dee) - Bye (informal)
  2. Ech hunn dech gär (ekh huhn dekh gyar) - I love you
  3. Watgelift? (vaht-geh-leeft) - Pardon? What did you say?
  4. Proost! (prohst) - Cheers!
  5. Vill Gléck (feel glek) - Good luck
  6. Ech sinn midd (ekh zin mid) - I'm tired
  7. Ech hunn Honger (ekh huhn hong-er) - I'm hungry
  8. Ech verstinn net (ekh fer-shtin net) - I don't understand
  9. Wéi geet et? (vay gyet et) - How's it going?

Luxembourgish Customs and Culture 🎭

Luxembourg is a unique blend of French, German, and local customs. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Always greet shopkeepers and restaurant staff with a friendly "Bonjour" or "Moien"
  2. Tipping is not required but appreciated for good service (5-10% is typical)
  3. Luxembourgers are generally punctual, so be on time for appointments
  4. Dress conservatively when visiting religious sites or attending formal events
  5. Don't be offended if a Luxembourger corrects your French - they're just trying to help!
  6. The national holiday is June 23rd (Grand Duke's Birthday), so expect festivities and closures

Things to Avoid Saying 🙊

While Luxembourgers are friendly and forgiving, there are a few things you should avoid saying:

  1. "Luxembourg is just a small country" - Luxembourg may be small, but it's mighty!
  2. "French and German are the same, right?" - No, they're quite different, and Luxembourgers speak both
  3. "Luxembourgish is just a dialect" - Luxembourgish is a recognized language with its own grammar and vocabulary

Flirting in Luxembourgish 😘

Want to impress that cute Luxembourger at the bar? Try these flirty phrases:

  1. Du bass schein (dew bahss shayn) - You're beautiful
  2. Kann ech der en Drénk kafen? (kahn ekh der en drenk kah-fen) - Can I buy you a drink?
  3. Danzt du mat mir? (dahnst dew maht meer) - Will you dance with me?
  4. Du hues schéin Aen (dew hews shayn ayen) - You have beautiful eyes

Luxembourgish Insults 🤬

Of course, we hope you won't need these, but just in case:

  1. Schäiss Kapp (shayss kahp) - Sh*thead
  2. Du bass domm (dew bahss dum) - You're stupid
  3. Haal de Mond (hahl de mond) - Shut up
  4. Leck mech am Schäiss (lek mekh ahm shayss) - Kiss my a**


Q: Do I need to speak French to get by in Luxembourg?A: While knowing some French is helpful, many Luxembourgers also speak English and German. Don't be afraid to ask if someone speaks English if you're struggling with French.

Q: What's the best way to learn Luxembourgish?A: Immersion is key! Try to practice your Luxembourgish with locals, watch Luxembourgish TV shows and movies, and consider taking a language course if you're staying for an extended period.

Q: Are there any faux pas I should avoid in Luxembourg?A: Luxembourgers are generally laid-back, but it's always polite to avoid talking loudly in public, littering, or being overly critical of the country or its customs.

And there you have it, folks! 🎉 With these 74 essential French phrases and Luxembourgish tips, you'll be navigating the streets of Luxembourg like a pro in no time. So pack your bags, brush up on your "merci"s and "s'il vous plaît"s, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in this charming European gem. Äddi! 👋

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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