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77 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to France 🇫🇷

Learn 77 essential French phrases for your trip to France. From greetings to dining, navigate Paris like a local. Ideal for travelers seeking a smooth experience.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
77 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to France 🇫🇷

Bonjour, mon ami! 🙋‍♂️ Are you ready to embark on a delightful journey to the land of croissants, châteaux, and the language of love? French is not only the official language of France but also a language that embodies romance, sophistication, and a certain je ne sais quoi. Unlike other French-speaking countries, France has its own unique flair and idioms that will make your trip an unforgettable experience. So, let's dive into this ultimate guide to French phrases that will have you navigating the streets of Paris like a true Parisian! 😎

Greetings and Basic Phrases 🤝

  1. Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) - Hello
  2. Salut (sah-loo) - Hi (informal)
  3. Au revoir (oh ruh-vwahr) - Goodbye
  4. Merci (mehr-see) - Thank you
  5. S'il vous plaît (seel voo pleh) - Please
  6. Oui (wee) - Yes
  7. Non (nohn) - No
  8. Excusez-moi (ehk-skew-zay mwah) - Excuse me
  9. Pardon (pahr-dohn) - Sorry
  10. Je ne comprends pas (zhuh nuh kohm-prahn pah) - I don't understand
  11. Parlez-vous anglais? (par-lay voo ahn-gleh?) - Do you speak English?
  12. Je ne parle pas français (zhuh nuh pahrl pah frahn-seh) - I don't speak French
  13. Comment allez-vous? (koh-mahn tah-lay voo?) - How are you?
  14. Je vais bien, merci (zhuh veh byahn, mehr-see) - I'm doing well, thank you
  15. Enchanté(e) (ahn-shahn-tay) - Nice to meet you

Dining and Restaurant Phrases 🍷

When it comes to food, France is a gastronomic paradise. From the beloved baguette to the decadent escargots, you'll want to savor every bite. Here are some essential phrases to help you navigate the dining scene:

  1. Je voudrais... (zhuh voo-dreh) - I would like...
  2. La carte, s'il vous plaît (lah kahrt, seel voo pleh) - The menu, please
  3. L'addition, s'il vous plaît (lah-dee-syohn, seel voo pleh) - The check, please
  4. Je suis végétarien(ne) (zhuh swee vay-zhay-tah-ryahn) - I am a vegetarian
  5. C'est délicieux! (seh day-lee-syuh) - It's delicious!
  6. Un café, s'il vous plaît (uhn kah-fay, seel voo pleh) - A coffee, please
  7. Un verre de vin rouge/blanc (uhn vehr duh vahn roozh/blahn) - A glass of red/white wine
  8. Je suis allergique à... (zhuh swee ah-lehr-zheek ah) - I'm allergic to...
  9. Bon appétit! (bohn ah-pey-tee) - Enjoy your meal!

Shopping and Money 💰

From the chic boutiques of the Champs-Élysées to the charming markets of Provence, shopping in France is an experience like no other. Make sure you're prepared with these handy phrases:

  1. Combien ça coûte? (kohm-byahn sah koot?) - How much does it cost?
  2. C'est trop cher (seh troh shehr) - It's too expensive
  3. Je cherche... (zhuh shehrsh) - I'm looking for...
  4. Quelle taille? (kehl tah-yuh?) - What size?
  5. Je voudrais acheter... (zhuh voo-dreh ahsh-tay) - I would like to buy...
  6. Acceptez-vous les cartes de crédit? (ahk-sehp-tay voo ley kahrt duh kray-dee?) - Do you accept credit cards?
  7. Où est le distributeur de billets le plus proche? (oo eh luh dees-tree-boo-tuhr duh bee-yeh luh ploo prohsh?) - Where is the nearest ATM?

Directions and Transportation 🚕

Getting around France is a breeze with its efficient public transportation and well-connected cities. Here are some phrases to help you navigate:

  1. Où est...? (oo eh...?) - Where is...?
  2. La gare (lah gahr) - Train station
  3. Le métro (luh may-troh) - Subway
  4. L'aéroport (lah-ay-roh-pohr) - Airport
  5. Le taxi (luh tahk-see) - Taxi
  6. Tout droit (too drwah) - Straight ahead
  7. À gauche (ah gohsh) - To the left
  8. À droite (ah drwaht) - To the right
  9. Arrêtez ici, s'il vous plaît (ah-reh-tay ee-see, seel voo pleh) - Stop here, please

Emergencies and Health 🏥

While we hope your trip to France is smooth sailing, it's always good to be prepared for emergencies. Keep these phrases handy:

  1. Au secours! (oh suh-koor!) - Help!
  2. Appelez une ambulance! (ah-puh-lay oon ahm-boo-lahns!) - Call an ambulance!
  3. Je ne me sens pas bien (zhuh nuh muh sahn pah byahn) - I don't feel well
  4. J'ai mal à... (zheh mahl ah...) - My ... hurts
  5. Je suis enceinte (zhuh swee ahn-sehnt) - I'm pregnant
  6. Où est la pharmacie la plus proche? (oo eh lah fahr-mah-see lah ploo prohsh?) - Where is the nearest pharmacy?

French Customs and Culture 🎨

France is known for its rich culture and unique customs. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. La bise (lah beez) - The French kiss on the cheek, usually done twice (once on each cheek)
  2. Bonjour madame/monsieur (bohn-zhoor mah-dahm/muh-syuh) - Always greet shopkeepers and staff with a polite "hello"
  3. Bon voyage! (bohn vwah-yahzh!) - Have a good trip!
  4. C'est la vie (seh lah vee) - That's life, used when something doesn't go as planned

French Slang and Colloquialisms 😎

Want to sound like a true French local? Impress them with these slang phrases:

  1. Ça roule (sah rool) - It's all good, everything's fine
  2. Nickel (nee-kehl) - Perfect, great
  3. Avoir la pêche (ah-vwahr lah pehsh) - To feel great, full of energy
  4. C'est cool (seh kool) - That's cool
  5. Ça craint (sah krahn) - That sucks

Things to Avoid Saying 🙊

While the French appreciate a good sense of humor, there are some things you should avoid saying to prevent any faux pas:

  1. "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?" (voo-lay voo koo-shay ah-vehk mwah?) - This phrase, made famous by a popular song, actually means "Do you want to sleep with me?" Avoid using it unless you're prepared for the consequences! 😉
  2. "Je suis chaud(e)" (zhuh swee shoh/shohd) - While you might think this means "I'm hot" as in feeling warm, it actually means "I'm horny." Stick to "J'ai chaud" (zheh shoh) instead.
  3. "Je suis plein(e)" (zhuh swee plahn/plehn) - Saying this after a meal might seem like a good way to express that you're full, but it actually means "I'm drunk." Use "J'ai bien mangé" (zheh byahn mahn-zhay) to say you've eaten well.

Flirting in French 😘

Ready to charm the locals with your French flirting skills? Try these phrases:

  1. Tu es très beau/belle (too eh treh boh/behl) - You are very handsome/beautiful
  2. Je peux vous offrir un verre? (zhuh puh voo oh-freer uhn vehr?) - Can I buy you a drink?
  3. On peut se tutoyer? (ohn puh suh too-twah-yay?) - Can we use "tu" instead of "vous"? (a sign of familiarity)
  4. T'es libre ce soir? (teh leebr suh swahr?) - Are you free tonight?

French Insults 😠

While we don't condone the use of insults, it's always good to know what they mean in case you hear them:

  1. Connard (koh-nahr) - Jerk, a**hole
  2. Salope (sah-lohp) - B*tch
  3. Va te faire foutre (vah tuh fehr footr) - Go f*ck yourself
  4. Pauvre con (pohvr kohn) - Poor fool, idiot
  5. Ferme ta gueule (fehrm tah guhl) - Shut the f*ck up

Useful Travel Phrases ✈️

Finally, here are some additional phrases that will come in handy during your French adventure:

  1. Je voudrais réserver une chambre (zhuh voo-dreh ray-zehr-vay oon shahmbr) - I would like to book a room
  2. À quelle heure part le train/l'avion? (ah kehl uhr pahr luh trahn/lah-vyohn?) - What time does the train/plane leave?
  3. Où sont les toilettes? (oo sohn ley twah-leht?) - Where is the restroom?
  4. Je suis perdu(e) (zhuh swee pehr-doo) - I'm lost
  5. Pouvez-vous m'aider? (poo-vay voo meh-day?) - Can you help me?
  6. Combien coûte le billet? (kohm-byahn koot luh bee-yeh?) - How much is the ticket?
  7. Je voudrais louer une voiture (zhuh voo-dreh loo-ay oon vwah-toor) - I would like to rent a car
  8. Quelle est la wifi mot de passe? (kehl eh lah wee-fee moh duh pahs?) - What is the wifi password?
  9. Où puis-je acheter un plan de la ville? (oo pwee zhuh ahsh-tay uhn plahn duh lah veel?) - Where can I buy a city map?
  10. Je passe un bon moment (zhuh pahs uhn bohn moh-mahn) - I'm having a good time


Q: Do I need to know French to visit France?A: While knowing some basic French phrases is helpful, many French people in tourist areas speak English. However, making an effort to speak French is always appreciated!

Q: What should I do if I accidentally offend someone with my French?A: Apologize sincerely and explain that you're learning the language. The French appreciate the effort and will usually be understanding.

Q: Is it customary to tip in France?A: Tipping is not as common in France as it is in some other countries. Service is typically included in the bill at restaurants, but it's polite to round up to the nearest euro or leave a small tip if the service was exceptional.

Q: What are some must-try French dishes?A: Some classic French dishes include escargots (snails), ratatouille (vegetable stew), coq au vin (chicken braised with wine), and crème brûlée (a rich custard dessert).

Q: What are some famous French landmarks I should visit?A: Some of the most famous landmarks in France include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Palace of Versailles, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Voilà! You're now equipped with 77 essential French phrases to make your trip to France an unforgettable one. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and embrace the French way of life. With a little bit of effort and a lot of joie de vivre, you'll be living la vie en rose in no time! Bon voyage, mon ami! 🇫🇷✨

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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