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73 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Canada 🍁🇨🇦

Learn 73 essential French phrases for your trip to Canada and blend in like a local! Perfect for travelers wanting to enhance their Canadian adventure.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
73 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Canada 🍁🇨🇦

Bonjour, mes amis! 🙌 Ready to explore the magnificent land of maple syrup, hockey, and poutine? Canada is a bilingual country, and while English is widely spoken, knowing some French phrases will make your trip to the Great White North even more enjoyable. In this ultimate guide, we'll arm you with 73 essential French expressions that'll have you blending in with the locals faster than you can say "oui oui, baguette!" 🥖 So, let's dive in and discover the magic of the French language, Canadian-style! 😎

Greetings and Pleasantries 🤝

  1. Bonjour! (bohn-zhoor) - Hello!
  2. Salut! (sah-loo) - Hi!
  3. Au revoir! (oh ruh-vwahr) - Goodbye!
  4. Bonne journée! (bun zhoor-nay) - Have a good day!
  5. Bonne nuit! (bun nwee) - Good night!
  6. Comment allez-vous? (koh-mahn tah-lay voo) - How are you?
  7. Je vais bien, merci. (zhuh vay bee-ahn, mair-see) - I'm doing well, thanks.
  8. Et vous? (ay voo) - And you?
  9. Enchanté(e)! (ahn-shahn-tay) - Nice to meet you!
  10. S'il vous plaît. (seel voo play) - Please.
  11. Merci beaucoup! (mair-see boh-koo) - Thank you very much!
  12. De rien. (duh ree-ahn) - You're welcome.
  13. Excusez-moi. (eks-koo-zay mwah) - Excuse me.
  14. Pardon. (pahr-dohn) - Pardon me.
  15. Je suis désolé(e). (zhuh swee day-zoh-lay) - I'm sorry.

Navigating the City 🏙️

When exploring the vibrant cities of Canada, like Montreal or Quebec City, these phrases will come in handy:

  1. Où est...? (oo ay) - Where is...?
  2. la gare (lah gahr) - the train station
  3. l'aéroport (lah-ay-roh-pohr) - the airport
  4. le métro (luh may-troh) - the metro
  5. l'hôtel (loh-tel) - the hotel
  6. le restaurant (luh rehs-toh-rahn) - the restaurant
  7. le musée (luh moo-zay) - the museum
  8. le parc (luh pahrk) - the park
  9. la banque (lah bahnk) - the bank
  10. la pharmacie (lah fahr-mah-see) - the pharmacy
  11. Je suis perdu(e). (zhuh swee pehr-doo) - I'm lost.
  12. Pouvez-vous m'aider? (poo-vay voo meh-day) - Can you help me?
  13. Continuez tout droit. (kohn-tee-noo-ay too drwah) - Go straight ahead.
  14. Tournez à gauche. (toor-nay ah gohsh) - Turn left.
  15. Tournez à droite. (toor-nay ah drwaht) - Turn right.

Dining Out 🍽️

No trip to Canada is complete without indulging in some delicious local cuisine. Here's how to order like a pro:

  1. Je voudrais... (zhuh voo-dray) - I would like...
  2. le menu (luh meh-noo) - the menu
  3. l'entrée (lahn-tray) - the appetizer
  4. le plat principal (luh plah prahn-see-pahl) - the main course
  5. le dessert (luh deh-sehr) - the dessert
  6. une poutine (oon poo-teen) - a poutine (a must-try Canadian dish!)
  7. un sandwich au smoked meat (uhn sahnd-weesh oh smohkd meet) - a smoked meat sandwich (a Montreal specialty)
  8. un sirop d'érable (uhn see-roh day-rahbl) - maple syrup
  9. un verre d'eau (uhn vehr doh) - a glass of water
  10. un café (uhn kah-fay) - a coffee
  11. un thé (uhn tay) - a tea
  12. une bière (oon bee-ehr) - a beer
  13. L'addition, s'il vous plaît. (lah-dee-syohn, seel voo play) - The bill, please.

Shopping and Money 💰

Whether you're browsing trendy boutiques or picking up souvenirs at a local market, these phrases will make your shopping experience a breeze:

  1. Combien ça coûte? (kohm-byahn sah koot) - How much does this cost?
  2. C'est trop cher! (seh troh shehr) - That's too expensive!
  3. Je cherche... (zhuh shehrsh) - I'm looking for...
  4. une carte postale (oon kahrt poh-stahl) - a postcard
  5. un aimant (uhn eh-mahn) - a magnet
  6. un t-shirt (uhn tee-shuhrt) - a t-shirt
  7. un chapeau (uhn shah-poh) - a hat
  8. une écharpe (oon ay-shahrp) - a scarf
  9. Je peux payer par carte de crédit? (zhuh puh pay-yay pahr kahrt duh kray-dee) - Can I pay by credit card?
  10. Je peux payer en espèces? (zhuh puh pay-yay ahn ehs-pess) - Can I pay in cash?
  11. Je voudrais un sac, s'il vous plaît. (zhuh voo-dray uhn sahk, seel voo play) - I would like a bag, please.

Cultural Customs and Etiquette 🎭

Canadians are known for their politeness and hospitality, so it's important to respect local customs and etiquette:

  1. Bonjour! Ça va? (bohn-zhoor! sah vah?) - Hello! How's it going? (A common greeting in Quebec)
  2. C'est bon, là! (seh bohn, lah!) - It's all good, buddy! (A casual way to say "no worries")
  3. Je me souviens. (zhuh muh soo-vyahn) - I remember. (The official motto of Quebec)
  4. Merci d'avance! (mehr-see dah-vahns) - Thanks in advance! (A polite way to end an email or request)
  5. Bonne fête! (bun feht) - Happy birthday!
  6. Bonne année! (bun ah-nay) - Happy New Year!
  7. Joyeux Noël! (zhwah-yuh noh-ehl) - Merry Christmas!
  8. Santé! (sahn-tay) - Cheers! (Used when toasting drinks)

Flirting and Romance 💕

If you find yourself smitten with a charming Canadian, these flirty phrases might come in handy:

  1. Tu es très beau/belle. (too eh treh boh/behl) - You're very handsome/beautiful.
  2. Tu as de beaux yeux. (too ah duh boh zyuh) - You have beautiful eyes.
  3. Je t'aime. (zhuh tem) - I love you.
  4. Veux-tu sortir avec moi? (vuh-too sohr-teer ah-vehk mwah) - Do you want to go out with me?
  5. On peut prendre un verre ensemble? (ohn puh prahn-druh uhn vehr ahn-sahm-bluh) - Can we grab a drink together?
  6. Tu me plais beaucoup. (too muh pleh boh-koo) - I really like you.
  7. Embrasse-moi! (ahm-brahs-mwah) - Kiss me!

Insults and Things to Avoid ⚠️

While Canadians are generally friendly and easygoing, there are a few things you should avoid saying to keep the peace:

  1. Ne me dis pas quoi faire! (nuh muh dee pah kwah fehr) - Don't tell me what to do!
  2. Ta gueule! (tah guhl) - Shut up!
  3. C'est quoi ton problème? (seh kwah tohn proh-blehm) - What's your problem?
  4. T'es vraiment stupide. (teh vray-mahn stoo-peed) - You're really stupid.


Q: Do I really need to know French to visit Canada?A: While it's not essential, knowing some basic French phrases can enhance your experience, especially in predominantly French-speaking regions like Quebec.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally offend someone in French?A: Simply apologize sincerely using phrases like "Je suis désolé(e)" or "Excusez-moi," and most Canadians will be understanding.

Q: Can I get by with just English in major cities?A: Absolutely! Most Canadians in major cities are bilingual and will happily switch to English if needed.

Q: What's the best way to practice my French while in Canada?A: Don't be afraid to strike up conversations with locals, even if your French isn't perfect. Canadians are known for their friendliness and will appreciate your effort to learn their language.

There you have it, folks! 73 essential French phrases to help you navigate, dine, shop, flirt, and faux-pas your way through Canada like a true pro. Remember, the key to mastering any language is practice, so don't be afraid to put your new skills to the test. And if all else fails, just smile, say "merci," and enjoy the ride! 😄🇨🇦

Bonne chance et bon voyage! 🌟

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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